34th Annual Meeting ESACT-UK 2024


Holiday Inn Stevenage St.George’s Way, Stevenage, United Kingdom

The ESACT-UK 2024 Conference will be held in-person on the 10th & 11th January 2024 in Stevenage, UK. We will have Keynote speakers and multiple talks across sessions covering RNA Synthesis, Advanced Therapies, Cellular Agriculture and Antibody Bioprocessing. We will also be showcasing the work of our early career researchers, followed by a panel session focussing on careers and skills

Conference details and overview – HERE

20th Anniversary bioProcessUK Conference, Brighton 28-20 November

Apply now for the bioProcessUK bursary competition!

Sponsored by Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, the competition gives an opportunity for 25-30 high calibre postgraduate students and post-doctoral researchers to display a poster showcasing their research in biological medicines and bioprocessing.

If you are successful, you get to attend the bioProcessUK conference in Brighton on 28-30 November 2023 free of charge!

The deadline for applications is Friday 13 October 2023.  Please email your entry to the events team at biaevents@bioindustry.org. Judging will be done by conference delegates and the overall winner will be awarded a prize.



Frontiers Retreat Brussels, October 2023

The fourth edition of the ESACT Frontiers Retreat is taking place 18th to 21st October 2023 in Brussels.

These meetings are dedicated to Early Career Scientists (ECSs) working in the advancing cell technology and related fields. We aim to continue engaging the next generation of ESACT scientists and to encourage those who have not attended previous ESACT meetings to actively participate in this community.

Frontiers Retreats are not classical meetings: they are built on a range of sessions focussed on career and personal development, stimulation of alternative thinking emerging from interaction with peers across a broad range of subject areas and level of experience, and promoting active networking among all participants. They also aim to stimulate scientific discussions and help to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

The Scientific Sessions are an amazing opportunity for ECSs to present their work, with most of the oral presentation slots being reserved for the ECSs selected from the high-quality abstracts submitted. There are also two very engaging poster sessions and there are prizes for both the best oral presentation and the best poster presentation.

The Career and Personal Development Sessions will help you to develop transferrable skills and extend your professional network. Few things are as important for an ECS: take this opportunity build upon your skills and network!

This meeting is open to the entire community, including non-ESACT members.

So, submit your abstract and save the date: 18th – 21st of October 2023.