Funding secured after BioProNET projects

To date, BioProNET-funded projects have leveraged over £990,000 of funding from industry to support collaborative bioprocessing projects.

Below are details of funding that has been secured following on from, or as a result of a BioProNET-funded project.

PhD: Microbial biotechnology applications for the production of novel enzymes’, lab work (of £10k per year) supported by Johnson Matthey following on from a business interaction voucher (BIV_Feb18_Dikicioglu) awarded to Duygu Dikicioglu

Algal vaccines for Aquaculture
Funded Value: £160,399 Funder: BBSRC
Saul Purton and Brenda Parker, University College London, following on from BIV_May17_Purton

Innovate UK funding of £70K for the project ‘Development of a novel membrane photobioreactor for cultivation of Haematococcus pluvialis as a biofilm’ to Varicon Aqua Solutions (following from BIV_Aug15_Allen)

Funding of £681K from the BBSRC and the US NSF for the project ‘synthetic gene circuits to measure and mitigate translational stress during heterologous protein expression’ to Ian Stanfield (following on from the BioProNET sandpit meeting).

Funding of £1.5M from the EPSRC awarded to Paul Dalby et al. for the project ‘Enabling rapid liquid and freeze-dried formulation design for the manufacture and delivery of novel biopharmaceuticals’ (from PoC_Dec14_Warwicker).

PhD studentship to investigate bioinformatic approaches to identify small molecules do distrupt antibody-host cell protein interactions awarded to Mark Wass and Dan Bracewell from the UCL EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (following from PoC_Nov15_Wass)

PhD studentship entitled ‘virus-like particles in cell-free systems‘ awarded to Karen Polizzi and Dan Bracewell from the UCL EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (following from PoC_Nov14_Polizzi)

A BBSRC iCASE PhD studentship and BioProNET PoC funding awarded to Michael Plevin following from BIV_Feb16_Plevin.

The BioProNET business interaction voucher BIV_May17_Polizzi arose from PoC_Dec14_Polizzi (results garnered further industrial support)